Thursday, August 5, 2010

God, Gay Marriage, and Prop 8

In Leviticus 20-13 God Condemns homosexuality, men having sex with other men. He proclaims "They both shall be put to death". No where in Leviticus does it mention two women having sex. Remember that fact, you will need the information later.

Leviticus is the Old Testament I have been told repeatedly by people that I know who are WAY more knowledgeable than I am on the bible that "We are no longer living under the Old Testament" so I should concentrate on the New Testament. I have done that. The closest I can come to finding condemnation for homosexuals in the New Testament is Mark 7-21 It says For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.' "

"Sexual Immorality" covers a HUGE area. Just those two words by my estimate will condemn 95% of men, gay or straight, women too. Oral sex is considered by a huge majority to be a sin, I'd bet $2 and my left nut that it's overlooked by those same people whenever they are in the mood...

Nowhere does it mention homosexuality. Also, if we are truly living under the New Testament, why are we still being told the evils of gay marriage in churches all over? God loves people. God created people. God even created gay and lesbian people. God loves them. Why do you hate them?

I know that a HUGE majority of conservative Christians believe that homosexuality or Lesbianism is a choice. They simply are wrong. I suspect however that the vast majority will never be willing to look at any scientific research that proves otherwise.

I personally have known several people that are gay or lesbian when they were young. It was clear even at a very young age that they were vastly different in how they presented themselves, spoke, and interacted with other members of their gender. So, going by what I am told to believe by those that side with God is that 4 and 5 year old children have made a conscious decision to be gay. Really? Please open your eyes and think.

I believe in God too. I freely admit that when it comes to living a good clean Christian life I can't live up to most. I don't even try. I believe that love is love. If two people love each other they should be able to get married. Why should gays and lesbians not be allowed the right to be as miserable as straight married couples?

Finally, in this religious argument that lesbians should not be allowed to marry it's clear that it has no merit under "God's Law". Lesbians are never mentioned in the bible.

God loves us all, whether we have hate in out heart or not. Those who speak out against gay marriage are simply telling the world they feel that they are better than others. Guess what? That's a sin.......

Peace and Love Ya'll
