Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Politics and Jesus

First off I'd like to say that this is not intended to offend any of my friends. I am not picking on anyone. This is just something that has been on my mind, and when something is on my mind I write about it.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a liberal. Not just a little liberal, if I lean any farther left I will probably fall off. I don't hate conservatives as some people think I do. I think they are wrong about everything, but I don't hate them.

What really, really bothers me is conservatives touting themselves as the party of religion and Jesus. There are several things against this that I'd like to point out.

First off, I'd like you to picture in your head your vision of a hippie. I am betting you picture a man with long hair, a beard, probably wearing sandals. Jesus was a hippie. Hippies are liberal, they love the whole world and all it's sights and sounds. Conservatives do not.

The conservative party is the one that is totally against abortion AND is totally in favor of the death penalty. Murder is murder. Before you start, I have read the bible too. I know all about "an eye for an eye". I also know about the 10 commandments, they overrule all other law. The 6th commandment does not say "Thou shall not kill except in these cases". It says "Thou shall NOT KILL."

Jesus worked hard for the common man. Do I really need to explain this further? The dude was a liberal.

Jesus went all Bruce Lee on the asses of the money changers who were corrupting the temple. Moneylenders=Capitalism=Conservatives. Jesus won. Jesus was a liberal.

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to teach them humility. Can you really picture a conservative doing this? If you say yes, you are either lying to yourself, or totally clueless. Picture who gives to and helps out the downtrodden, liberals. Jesus was a liberal.

I rest my case.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a thought:-) Jesus wasn't a conservative or a liberal. He was the Son of God, and was fought tooth and nail (even crucified with nails) by the collection of liberals and conservatives of his day. Pharisees could be considered roughly similar to modern day conservatives (family values, follow the Bible as it conforms to our traditional view, and resist big government, accept the whole Bible) - and the did indeed help the poor a great deal. Sadducees were roughly equivalent to the liberals (social justice - as long as it conforms to our view of what that means, accommodate foreign interests, and work with big government - aka Rome, accept part of the Bible). And there were others, too. Zealots who were looking for radical military reform to bring about liberation. Essenes who were looking to detach themselves from society - viewed as evil and corrupt - kind of like many fundamentalists and militia groups. Jesus didn't fall into any such category. He rebuked them all, and he called them all to him. Odd cat, that Jesus. I personally think keeping focus on modeling Christ might be a good option to camping left or right, and leaves room for grace enough to accept everyone as rather in need of God's grace and love. Your friend:-)
