Tuesday, April 14, 2009

People That Piss Me Off


People who's arm hair covers their wristwatch.

Frat Boys

People who think it's cute to let their kid push the shopping cart all over the damn store with no thought to who they are running into or how they are getting into everyone's way.

Teenagers who don't type full fucking words. It's basic english, learn it you fuckheads.

People who wander around staring at their cell phone not watching where the hell they are going.


Anyone from Texas.

People that email me forwarded messages that are such bullshit it's not even funny. Like the one about Captain Kangaroo being a war hero. It did not happen people, do a little research.

People that go on and on about how beautiful their kid is when they know full well it's ugly.

People who forward me text messages about how I "don't have a heart if I don't send this to 10 people".


Anyone who works at the local Verizon wireless store. I'm pretty sure I piss them off too, so we will call this one even.

Restaurant workers who suggest menu items to me. HEY ASSHOLE you don't know me. You don't know what I like. Go fuck yourself and bring me some tea.

People who use the word "like" as a describing word 5 times in every sentence. It's like, really, like, FUCKING ANNOYING.


  1. Careful now - Junior Brown is from Texas.

  2. So is Steve Earle, They were smart enough to get the hell out of there so I don't hold it against them.
